
Price list

State railway in Csömödér

It is valid from 1st April 2024

General Information – Passenger Transport

The prices are calculated in HUF and include VAT (27%)!
Extra ticket (regardless of the distance): single ticket: 1100 HUF; return ticket: 1500 HUF
Supplement (regardless of the distance) 6000 HUF
Staff ticket (regardless of the distance): 500 HUF
Extra tickets have to be purchased for transporting bicycles, living animals and etc.
Passengers travelling without a valid ticket are obliged to pay a supplement.
Passengers possessing a MÁV card with a photo are entitled to purchase a staff ticket, which shall entitle them to travel unlimited on the day of the issue, in accordance with the "Agreement for ticket price reduction”.
Students, pensioners, public service employees, families with more than two children and disabled people are entitled to buy tickets at a reduced price.
Children travel free of charge until the age of 3.
Tickets can be purchased in the train.

Travelling distance Ticket (Full price)Return ticket (Full price)Ticket (Reduced price)Return ticket (Reduced price)
0-5 km7001 000600900
0-10 km1 1001 8009001 200
0-20 km1 9002 7001 3001 800
0-32 km2 5003 7001 9002 500

General information – special train

Special trains can be ordered at the forest railway all year; you have to contact the Railway Company to make an appointment seven days before the date of the departure you have planned.
Your order has to contain: the name of the customer, the departure date and time of the special train and the duration of the journey, the departure and the destination, and the number of participants.
The journey by the special train can be cancelled 48 hours before the journey starts free of charge. If the journey by the special train fails and it is the fault of the customer, the customer has to pay the charge of 50000 HUF as the costs of the preparation of the train for the journey. This amount has to be paid in at the cashier’s office of the Forestry Company at the same time when the order is placed. The costs of the preparation of the train for the journey are included in the price of the special train.
The prices are calculated in HUF and include VAT (27%)!
Fare prices of taking a special train are indicative only, final fare prices are calculated by the rail operation manager, upon special requests.

Special train – Diesel engine
Full priceReduced price
Return ticket for the distance between 0-10 km up to 50 persons 90 00070 000
Return ticket for the distance between 0-20 km up to 50 persons 210 000 160 000
Return ticket for the distance between 0-32 km up to 50 persons 250 000190 000
Special train – Steam engine
Return ticket for the distance between 0-20 km up to 50 315 000
Return ticket for the distance between 0-32 km up to 50 430 000

For further information

Forestry Company in Bánokszentgyörgy
Kossuth Street, 8891, Bánokszentgyörgy
Phone: +3693546910
E-mail: banokszentgyörgy@zalaerdo.hu

Railway Company in Csömödér
Vasút Street, 8957 Csömödér
Phone: +3692579033
Mobil: +36303648901, +36304742079
E-mail: erdeivasut@zalaerdo.hu