
Hunting Areas

Shooting seasons

Red deer stag: 1st September - 31st January
Matured stag: 1st September - 31st October
Hind: 1st September - 31st January
Heifer: 31st May - the last day of February
Calf: 1st September - the last day of February
Roe buck: 15st April -1st September
Roe doe, fawn: 1st October - the last day of February
Fallow deer stag: 1st October - the last day of February
Matured stag: 1st October - 30st November
Hind, heifer: 1st October - the last day of February
Calf: 1st October - the last day of February
Wild boar: Can be hunted for all year
Pheasant male: 1st October - the last day of February
Pheasant female: 1st October - the last day of February

Further information and registration

You can apply for hunting in person, in letter, via e-mail or on the phone, furthermore, if you fill in the following application form for contacting us below. Jácint Gróf head of department of wildlife management and Petra Lógár hunting assistant answer the questions of enquirers and accept applications via the contacts below:

6 Múzeum Square, 8800 Nagykanizsa
Phone number: +3693500206
E-mail: vadaszat@zalaerdo.hu

We would like to call your attention to the following:
You are allowed to apply for hunting just if you possess both a valid hunting license and a valid firearm licence.
When you apply, we shall make it clear for which game species and at what time you would like to hunt; then our agreement shall be contracted. If the guest is unknown, it means, they are new guests, 10 % of the price of the game would like to be killed can be charged as a deposit, on the score of contracted hunting.

Hunting areas

Our private limited company manages game farming on four areas of the 57 game farming units of Zala County, on an area of almost 65,000 hectares, at a high standard established by our predecessors. Our company is in charge of 45-50 % of forests within these hunting areas.

Our four hunting areas with different codes are managed by our five forestry companies:

  1. On the about 35 000 hectare hunting area with the code of 20-200510-505 the Forestry Company in Nagykanizsa, the Forestry Company in Bánokszentgyörgy and the Forestry Company in Letenye manage game farming.
  2. The about 20 500 hectare hunting area with the code of 20-200610-505 and
  3. The about 2 500 hectare hunting area with the code of 20-200260-505 are managed by the Forestry Company in Lenti.
  4. The about 7 500 hectare hunting area with the code of 20-201250-505 is managed by the Forestry Company in Zalaegerszeg.

The countryside in Zala County with large contiguous forest areas and coloured with agricultural areas and vineyards provide an excellent habitat for big games. They are provided feeding stuffs in the beech- and oak-woods, and covert lairs in our young forests with thick underwood. Our company pays real attention to continuous development of the habitat of the game population.

Besides farming on small land parcels, which are situated sparsely and merged into the landscape in Zala County we have always intended on developing bigger areas appropriate for game farming as well. The natural habitat of wild game populations could have been enriched further with the tiny pond, which was built between 1970 and 1990 and is used as a game water trough. One of our main objectives is to make our forests more adequate for keeping wild games; therefore, some parts of the forests have been made denser to be particularly suitable for hiding them. Besides the facts mentioned above, we also pay attention to the feeding of the games in winter, to the conditions of feeders and salters.

Our most significant game species is red deer that is world famous. To preserve the genome of the red deer population in Zala County the region of Nagykanizsa – Bánokszentgyörgy – Szentpéterfölde – Letenye and Lenti – Zalabaksa areas have been declared to have a special purpose by the Minister of Agriculture. The excellent quality of the deer in Zala County is proved by the fact that the proportion of gold medal trophies is the highest here. 16 of 50 antlers of red deer stags on the world record list of antlers of red deer stag are from Hungary and four from Zalaerdő.

Our second most significant game species is wild boar. Each of our forestry companies organises wild boar hunting-tours with a pack in winter. To manage and use the wild boar population better wild boar gardens have been built in Lenti, Zalabaksa, Nagykanizsa and in Bak.

Our roe population is not significant; although trophy-quality has improved in the past years.
Our small-game population is insignificant because of the high proportion of forested areas.
Each of our five forestry companies deals with game farming. Each of them has a modern hunter house satisfying every demand, hunting devices maintained continuously on the hunting areas and official hunters work everywhere who are well-prepared and well-qualified professionally. The infrastructure of hunting has been improved and expanded continuously. Our guests can be accommodated comfortably in seven hunter houses altogether having all the modern conveniences.

Our hunting areas can be approached more easily as new roads and paths have been built to make our forests more opened-up as well. We sell the vast majority of our hunting opportunities through our own hunting office. Venison is sold to Öreglaki Vadfeldolgozó Kft. (Venison Processing Plant Ltd in Öreglak) established in 1981 which is in the part-ownership of Zalaerdő PLtd.
